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Some young people can’t live at home

Indigo Junction’s Youth Service offers tailored support to young people between 15 and 25 years of age who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The housing market is difficult for any person right now, and if you’re a young person without funds, a job, family support or a rental history, safe housing options seem non-existent.

Our crisis centre provides 6 on‑site places for young people, whilst our transitional housing provides 6 community-based share houses that can accommodate up to 18 young people at one time. Our team supports residents to build practical skills such as budgeting, cleaning and cooking as well as personal development and wellbeing skills like literacy, driving, alcohol and drug education, healthy relationships and goal setting.

Through our Youth Programs, Indigo Junction can provide specialist advice, cultural learning, capacity building, wellbeing development and case management for young people and their families as required.


I learned to cook, clean and look after myself in my own place.


Indigo Junction has received Lotterywest and State Government funding to fully refurbish the 6-bed youth crisis centre and link the existing building with a new landmark building that will be constructed concurrently next door. On top of the 6 existing crisis units to be refurbished, 30 brand new beds (10 more crisis beds and 20 transitional units) will be added to supply urgent need. Construction is due to commence in late 2024.

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