The housing market is difficult for any person right now, regardless of employment status, income and rental/home ownership experience. People experiencing disadvantage without funds, a job, family support or a rental history are particularly vulnerable, and safe housing options are extremely hard to come by.
The current housing emergency has created a lack of affordable private rentals and severe shortage of public or social housing options. This means people in crisis are left with unbearably difficult housing and spending choices.
Key figures:
- Rental vacancy rates are just 0.7% and Perth rents have risen 19% in the past year – the highest in the country.
- Average rental costs now exceed $500 per week.
- It is estimated that Western Australia will have unmet needs of 85,500 social and affordable homes in WA by 2041 and needs to be delivering almost 5,000 new social and affordable homes each year to meet this.
- There were 18,984 households (33,943 individuals) on the social housing waitlist in July 2023.
- There were approximately 9,700 people experiencing homelessness in WA in 2023, including 2,300 people sleeping rough.
Western Australian Housing Need Source: Shelter WA – WA’s peak body CH and homelessness sector.
Vulnerable individuals, young people and families are under pressure like never before.
Indigo Junction confronts these challenges head on, with a three-tiered approach:
- direct housing provision (where possible)
- intensive case management support – culturally secure and underpinned by principles of trauma informed care and a person centred, housing first approach
- education, mentoring and capacity building programs.
Services range from the provision of supported crisis and transitional accommodation through to outreach for people who are street present. Emergency relief, intensive case management and supported referral to specialists directly address urgent needs while advocacy, education and mentoring programs work to build individual and community capacity, building the knowledge and skills required to sustain positive change. Indigo Junction delivers a broad range of programming focussed on education, health promotion and personal development.
Based on observation, data, anecdotal evidence and sector research, Indigo Junction programs have prevented:
- homelessness
- family breakdown
- missed medical and mental health appointments
- disconnection from basic utilities (gas, electricity)
- criminal activity (e.g. shoplifting)
- distress, embarrassment, shame
- escalation of vulnerability and disadvantage to levels where much more costly intervention is required.
Importantly, Indigo Junction services have contributed to:
- goal setting
- help seeking behaviours
- education and improved financial literacy
- strengthened family relationships
- improved health and wellbeing of individuals and families
- expanded support through community networks and connections.
Indigo Junction’s impact is practical and tangible, addressing the day to day impacts of poverty and crisis on individuals while also working at a community level to educate, advocate and empower – ensuring long term, sustainable positive change happens.
Indigo Junction's impact during 2023-2024:
Emergency relief (food parcels or food vouchers) were provided to 822 people in need.
People received family and domestic violence counselling and advocacy support through Indigo Junction’s Koolkuna Coordinated Response and Advocacy Service.
People sleeping rough, homeless or at risk of homelessness were provided with support through Indigo Junction’s various outreach and intensive case management support programs.
Young people linked into intensive support through Indigo Junction’s Keny Moort and LIFT programs.
Calls for assistance that Indigo Junction couldn’t accommodate due to lack of available housing and/or resources.

Our projects and partners
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It is estimated that 1 in 200 people will be homeless tonight.
By partnering with Indigo Junction you can help make a lasting and positive impact to families having difficulties.
Call us on 08 1234 1234
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